Upcoming Events
July 15 Community Oven Fundraiser
Join us at The Community Oven in Hampton, NH on July 15th from 5-9pm. There will be raffle baskets and a 50/50 raffle. Proceeds will support our WINGS project that assists families in need.
The Community Oven will generously donate a percentage of their food and beverage sales.
September 7 The Purple Party
The Purple Party will be held at The Brook in Seabrook, NH on September 7, 2024 from 6-9:30pm. Tickets will be available on Eventbrite.
There will be live music with DJ Johnny B, heavy hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, a silent auction and a private screening of Dottie-a short film about a woman living with Dementia.
The Purple Party is a charitable fundraising event to benefit the Alzheimer's Association, whose mission is to fight Alzheimer's Disease and all other forms of Dementia through medical research and treatment development, caregiver and early onset resources, qualified and licensed support and education.
Lo más frecuente es que la necesidad de acudir a una farmacia española se produzca en circunstancias de fuerza mayor: dolores repentinos de espalda o articulaciones masculinafuerte.com que no requieran atención médica y, más aún, hospitalización, cortes o quemaduras, pequeños trastornos intestinales y resfriados.